Tips for Successful Dry Fasting as a Christian

Commit to dry fasting for a victorious Christian life

Consistent dry fasting is one of the requirements to live a victorious Christian life. There are many types of fasting, but the one that I will discuss in this article is dry fasting. Yes, no food, no water: the most extreme form of fasting. If you believe that the Holy Spirit is leading you to engage in dry fasting, please read these tips. Let’s begin!

The Importance of Dry Fasting

We will first consider the importance of dry fasting. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness at the start of His ministry.1 No, I am not telling you to go on a 40-days-and-nights fasting session! However, you switch your attention from physical to spiritual sustenance when you engage in dry fasting. You forego food to feast on the Word of God and experience the Spirit of God in a more profound way.

You build your spiritual strength and vigor when you engage in regular dry fasting and prayer. As you sit in the quiet place with the Lord, you also strengthen your relationship with Him and loose the flow of God’s anointing upon your life. Dry fasting is also useful in breaking ungodly soul ties and empowering you to live in purity. Dry fasting involves a deep sacrifice on your part, a sacrifice that denies your flesh, your natural inclination to eat physical food.

Dry Fasting for Spiritual Warfare

Dry fasting is also a key requirement in spiritual warfare. After the miraculous deliverance of a demon-possessed boy, Jesus had this conversation with His disciples:

Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Matthew 17:19-21, NKJV.

So, you can see that dry fasting should be one of the regular fixtures in the life of any committed Christian.

Tips for Success in Dry Fasting

Success in dry fasting is possible!

Whether you are considering dry fasting for a few hours, a day, or multiple days, here are some valuable tips:

Ask Jesus Christ to Help You Dry Fast

We can do nothing in our own strength; we all need divine empowerment. Therefore, before you do anything at all, ask Jesus Christ to help you to engage in dry fasting. Jesus has helped me to do regular dry fasting, and I know He will do the same for you. Just ask Him and believe that He has empowered you to dry fast.

Start Small to Build Your Dry Fasting Endurance

I became a committed Christian when I was ten, and I have been dry fasting since I was about age eleven. However, successfully dry fasting is not related to how long ago you came to Christ. It is primarily about your previous dry fasting experience.

I recommend the baby steps approach. At first, you will likely do water fasting (or a water-only fast) for a few hours in a day – such as before lunchtime. Then you may graduate to doing dry fasting (no food, no water) for a similar timeframe. After you have become accustomed to dry fasting for a set time, increase it each time by an hour. The idea is to build your dry fasting endurance slowly and over time.

Know Why You are Dry Fasting

Why are you doing a dry fast? Are you dry fasting because you want to grow stronger in your Christian walk? Are you dry fasting to overcome a certain problem? It is always useful to have a reason for your fast. This will help you to be focused in your praying – which is what we will explore next.

Pray Frequently as You are Dry Fasting

If you’re not praying while you’re dry fasting, you are simply choosing not to eat or drink anything. You need to pray frequently during your dry fast. This helps to keep your mind focused on Jesus Christ.

Please ensure that your first set of prayers is one of repentance. This clears the way for you to experience the move of God within your heart and your life. You should also offer Him prayers of thanksgiving. Life may not be perfect, but appreciate God for what He is doing right now in your life. Your reason for dry fasting will determine your subsequent prayers. While you pray for your own needs, remember to pray for others as well. Kindly recall that Job’s situation got better after he prayed for his friends.2

As committed Christians, we need to be grateful people of prayer. We must:

Rejoice evermore.

Pray without ceasing.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, KJV.

Read Your Bible

Dry fasting also means reading your Bible.

Your time of dry fasting is perfect for reading your Bible and meditating on the scriptures. As you read the Word of God, ask Jesus to open your understanding of the scriptures. You may also find it useful to read a simplified version of the Bible. However, in these times, you need to read such versions beside the King James Version to ensure that the newer version is true. This is because the devil has inspired people to remove certain portions of the scriptures in some of these newer versions. So, make sure that when you are reading a newer simplified version of the Bible, that you also have the King James Version on hand for comparison.

As you read the Word of God, you will find that you develop a greater appetite for it. As you read the Word some more, you will begin to remember more scriptures. The whole objective is for us to become good scholars and doers of God’s Word. Be committed to hiding the Word of God inside your heart so that it can guide you in all areas of your life.3

Play Worship Music

Music is so important in setting the right spiritual atmosphere. Your praise and your worship set the environment for your time of dry fasting. I find that when I have worship music playing continually in the background, I feel more alive in my spirit man. So, play your favorite gospel music and delight yourself in the Lord!

Guard Your Heart

You need to guard your heart when you are in dry fasting. Please do not watch movies, chat on your phone, text your friends and do all of your regular activities. When you’re fasting, you’re not just staying away from food and drink. You are also shutting down other activities that often distract you from the presence of the Lord. Deciding to dry fast is also deciding to spend some time sitting at Jesus’ feet and learning more about Him and His will for your life.

Expect to Hear from God

Dry fasting helps to build your relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the main ways to build a relationship is through consistent communication. Your emphasis should not be on just praying your prayer list many times over during your dry fast. Communication requires a flow of information both ways. So, after you have prayed, sit in silence for a time, and quiet your heart and mind. Let the Lord know that you are listening and ready to receive from Him.

Please note that the Lord speaks to us in many different ways. He speaks to us through His Word (the Bible); through others (such as sermons); through our dreams; in visions; and even audibly as that still small voice echoing in our minds. Be prepared to hear from Jesus Christ whenever you engage in dry fasting.

Abstain from Physically-Demanding Activities

Sometimes, you may have to dry fast while you are at work. This is not the ideal situation, but it is sometimes unavoidable. However, if your work and/or your commute are physically demanding, I recommend setting aside some time from work to engage in dry fasting and praying.

Our bodies need food to fuel them. When you’re fasting from food and water, you may feel a bit weak, and that is normal. Therefore, you need to avoid any activity that requires expending lots of energy. In addition, you should not expose yourself to extreme temperatures while you’re dry fasting.

Expect Temptations During Your Dry Fast and Afterwards

During your dry fast, you will feel like you should give up. But don’t quit! That’s just the devil trying to get you to stop fasting. Instead, I recommend praying against those thoughts in the name of Jesus. Pray and ask Jesus to strengthen you in those weak moments.

Whenever I feel myself getting weak, and my stomach starts to growl, I pray. I also speak to my digestive system and order it to behave. I put my entire body under the subjection of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What happens? I go about my dry fast with renewed strength. So, don’t give in!

Jesus Christ experienced temptations after He ended His fasting in the wilderness.4 You should also expect temptations after your dry fast. Family members, friends, and associates may start to misbehave. The situation that you just fasted about may get worse. But don’t give up! Do not begin to use your thoughts, words, and actions to agree with the negativity you see. Remain firm in the Lord and believe that you will see improvements. See the deliverance, restoration, and new situations before they materialize in the natural realm. We walk by faith and not by sight. So, do not yield to the temptations; firmly resist the devil, and walk by faith in Christ alone!

Other Articles in This Series

How to Complete 3 Days Dry Fasting: What You Need to Know

What is Dry Fasting in Christianity and the Alternatives?

Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast

All the Best in Your Dry Fasting!

I gave these tips for a successful dry fast as the Lord laid them on my heart. I pray that you will commit to regular prayer and dry fasting as a way of life and not just in response to a situation, or when God calls you to such a season. When we come to Christ, we should come in knowing that we are at war! As a strong soldier in the army of Jesus Christ, we need to engage in regular dry fasting. This prepares us to be successful in spiritual warfare. We will also grow in the knowledge and strength of Jesus Christ, as we become even more empowered to do mighty exploits in His Kingdom and to His glory.

May Jesus’ blessings, peace, and wisdom be upon us all.



  1. Please see Matthew 4.
  2. Please read Job 42.
  3. 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:22-25; Psalm 119:11, 97-105.
  4. Please see Matthew 4:1-11.

112 Replies to “Tips for Successful Dry Fasting as a Christian”

  1. I want to embark on a 30days fasting. My understanding is that dry fast is 6am to 6pm and break every evening, please confirm if this is correct.

    1. Hello Anthony,

      Yes, if you are doing a 30-day fast, you dry fast from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM (sunrise to sunset).
      However, always be led by the Holy Spirit of God in all things.

  2. Dear sophia, I am really blessed with your articles and I need you advice. Iam a new beginner and I want to fast for 3 days of dry fasting. But i am a breast feeder of 18 months old child and also work as house wife. Please kindly advice me how to fast with all those house hold works…

    1. Hello Permi,

      Praise Jesus that you found the article interesting.

      I suggest that you do not dry fast for too long since you are breastfeeding (you can probably fast from 6 AM to 12 PM). Also, you’re a beginner, so when you start dry fasting, you should start with a few hours and then build up resilience to go for longer periods over time.

      As I noted in the article when you are dry fasting you should not do any physical labor. Fasting is a time for prayer, worship, reading your Bible, and sitting still in Jesus’ Presence to hear from Him. Make sure that you record all your observations during your dry fast.

      I pray that Jesus Christ continues to bless and keep you and your family for the rest of 2020, into 2021, and beyond.

  3. Bless the Lord sister Sophia my cousin asked me to check out Dry fast information for her and that’s what I was doing and saw your article very informative and interesting. I am about to Embark upon a 70 days fast starting October 5 – December 13 or 15 don’t Remember the ending date, remember me in prayer.

    1. Hello Sis. Jacqueline,
      To God be all the glory: I am happy that you found the article useful.
      Here’s another tip for multi-day fasts:
      Have a calendar where you mark off the days as you count down to the final day. This will help
      to motivate you to continue your fast to completion.
      As I said before, make sure that you’re diligently journaling as you will have many revelations
      and insights during this fast.
      I pray for your strength as you embark on this 70-day fast. You will complete it very well in Jesus’ Name!
      I pray that you will get deeper into the heart of Christ as He reveals Himself to you.
      I pray for your complete understanding of the details about yourself, your family, friends, and associates
      that will be revealed.
      I pray that you will be on fire for Jesus Christ and gain renewed strength and faith in this season.
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and your loved ones in Him. Amen.

  4. Dear Sophie, I am really blessed with your article; it has shown me great insights into Dry Fasting. I have started water fasting for a few hours once every week since last year and it has been a blessing and a delight to be in God’s presence and to sit at his feet. I am a final year University student and I was wondering if is it appropriate to simultaneously fast and do my studies/attend classes. How should I go about fasting as a tertiary student?
    God Bless you:)

    1. Hello Natasha,
      I’m happy that you were blessed: to God be the glory.
      It’s good that you’ve started consistent water-only fasting.
      Eventually you will build up to be able to dry fast consistently.
      With regards to fasting while attending classes:
      Yes you can do so. As long as you are physically exerting yourself that’s
      OK. However, you need to listen to gospel music and the audio Bible when
      you’re not in class. Since you’re not eating, try not to be around persons
      who are eating and drinking, as that will tempt you too much.
      One exception to fasting as a tertiary student:
      Unless the Holy Spirit tells you otherwise, do not fast on the days when you’re
      going to do any quizzes/tests/exams/graded presentations. These situations lead to
      a heightened stress response in your body and you will need energy to sustain them.
      I recommend fasting BEFORE such events for clarity of thoughts, sound interpretation,
      and accurate and thorough presentation of your knowledge and analysis.
      On exam days, make sure that you eat and that you’re hydrated. Since you’ve fasted ahead
      of these days, you can just pray and go forth with faith in Christ for your academic success.
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you in your studies.
      I pray that Christ will settle you in all areas of your life. Amen.

  5. I am going through severe spiritual warfare and i feel like Jesus is calling me to dry fast so that i can cast these demons out. iv’e been desperately praying for deliverance from these strong holds these demons are tormenting me and will not dislodge and let go they are stubborn and will not go. Im having trouble sleeping im going through sleep paralysis and being raped in my dreams by sexual demons i want to rid myself of all these demons ive tried fasting with water only but ive been cracking i end up eating food at night time but after reading this article i feel like the lord is calling me to dry fast for deliverance i am praying that i am free from these unclean spirits once and for all. i just want to live life dedicated to Jesus without anxiety fear insomnia and torment. pray for me thank you

    1. Hello Anisa,
      I’m happy that you found the article useful- all glory to Jesus.
      I went through a similar situation which I talk about in the article: How to Complete 3 Days Dry Fasting: What You Need to Know
      I’m not saying that you need to do 3 days of dry fasting without any breaks. I just share my insights about how to endure through the days of fasting to your breakthrough.
      Whenever you feel fear and terror rising in you – especially as it starts to get dark – please recite 2 Timothy 1:7; Psalm 23; and any other comforting scripture that you know. Fear is the tool of the enemy, especially when you’re in the middle of spiritual warfare. Don’t give into it.
      Also the enemy will try to ridicule you through what seems like your thoughts – but it’s him – to say that praying and fasting are useless because you will never be free. But you must resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7).
      You must be careful with your entertainment sources as a child of God and especially when you’re in strong spiritual warfare. Focus on Christian movies. I find Mount Zion movies on YouTube to be fully entertaining, yet wholesome because the scriptwriters and actors are all committed Christians.
      You may want to look through my purity series for Christian singles to help you barricade your life against satanic onslaughts:
      Christian Purity for Singles: Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties
      Christian Purity for Singles: Purging Your Life and Space
      Christian Purity for Singles: Clean Thinking
      Christian Purity for Singles: Dressing for Success
      Christian Purity for Singles: Pure Interactions
      Christian Purity for Singles: Being Intentional

      When it comes to such demonic sexual strongholds, it’s not just a matter of dry fasting and warfare prayers (for prayers get the book Prayer Rain by Daniel Olukoya). You also need to remove all legal rights of these demonic entities to violate you at nights. That means purging every area of your life, maintaining purity in all aspects (read those blog articles), and submerging yourself in the things of Christ. In order words, you need to truly lean into Christ to gain the victory over sexual strongholds.
      I pray that the love, peace, strength, and wisdom of Jesus Christ continues to be with you. I pray that you will not faint or grow weary, but as you wait upon the Lord you will renew your strength and mount up on wings like eagles. I pray that you will be resolute and full of courage to never back down in the face of the satanic onslaughts. I pray that you will fight through to your victory and breakthrough in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
      Once you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, you’re filled with the power of His Holy Spirit (see Acts 2), and you’re living in purity and in communion with Jesus Christ, then your victory is assured.
      God bless.

  6. Thank you so much, you just said it as it is, I usually get tempted during fasting and end up giving in, but I will strive this time around by the power of the holyspirit

    1. Hello Kaminomegumi,
      Please don’t be hard on yourself. We all fail at times.
      The main thing is to get up, brush ourselves off, and try again.
      I pray for your strength and endurance as you grow in this area of dry fasting.
      Don’t give up! Keep working at it! You will overcome by the power of His Holy Spirit.
      God bless.

  7. Thank you for this article,
    I’m quite familiar with dry fasting but the major challenge I’m having is that any time I’m on dry fasting, I usually have mental food cravings even though I’m not hungry in my stomach. And the craving is usually so strong that I have to end the fast because I feel like I would die if I didn’t eat immediately. I do my best to resist them but they sometimes last for hours.

    Please, how do I defeat those cravings and proceed with my fast?

    1. Hello Oselumese,
      To God be all the glory. You’re most welcome.
      These strong mental food cravings represent a stronghold that needs to be removed so that
      you can dry fast to your breakthroughs. You may also see this article about overcoming
      temptations during your dry fast: Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast
      You need to pray against these thoughts as they come up during your fast. Do not dwell on them.
      Get up, sing some praise and worship songs, walk around a bit, and also recite Bible verses against what these thoughts are telling you about
      dying (just because you’re fasting).
      As I was getting ready to respond to you, the Spirit of God impressed upon my heart to ask if you often eat in your dreams.
      If you do, that’s an avenue that also needs to be cut off so that you can do what it takes to build your spiritual strength and
      break forth into your purpose and God-given destiny.
      Please see this article by Evangelist Joshua Orekhie on this matter:
      You also need to get in the habit of praying and canceling evil dreams, so that they do not impact your life in reality. You may want to subscribe to Minister Kevin LA Ewing’s YouTube channel for further insights:
      I pray for your deliverance from this matter that seeks to bar you from dry fasting and deeper spiritual growth.
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.

  8. Thank u Sophia I just found it tips on dry fasting, am really struggling with health problems and I want to undertake a dry fasting for 3 days for God’s healing mercy upon my life.

    1. Hello Tenneh,
      To God be all the glory. I am happy that the article was useful for you.
      Please consult your medical professional to discuss the matter of dry fasting.
      I also wrote an article about how to do a continuous 3 days of dry fasting.
      You can check that article out as well. However, please be guided by the Holy Spirit of God, as well as the official advice from your medical professional.
      I pray that the Lord will make His revelations known to you and deliver you from these health problems.
      I pray for your good health and spiritual growth and wisdom in Christ.
      I pray that you will know the will of Christ for your life and walk therein by faith in Him alone. Amen.
      God bless.

  9. Thank you for this article. I was actually planning mine for 3days so I came online to see tips. Can I take fruits while undergoing dry fasting . Thanks

    1. You’re most welcome, to God be all the glory.
      No, eating fruits or drinking water is not a dry fast.
      A dry fast is no food of any kind and no liquids of any kind.
      However, please be led by the Holy Spirit concerning the type of
      fast that you undertake.
      God bless.

  10. Thanks for this article. I intended a 3days fast but after 1day and half I became so week and couldn’t even open my mouth to pray. I decided to take water to finish up the 3days fast. Hope this is ok. Also between I had a terrible dream about death. I asked God for mercy and rejected it too. Please pray for me and shed more light

    1. Hello Tee,
      I’m happy that you found the article useful.
      To God be all the glory.
      First thing: are you healthy?
      Secondly: did Jesus instruct you to go on a 3-day dry fast?

      If the Lord told you to do this fast, then you have the assurance
      of His support. However, you will feel faint on the morning of the second day.
      This is the temptation of the enemy to get you to stop midway.

      I find that it helps if you do the same thing throughout your fast. If it’s a water-only fast,
      then do a water-only fast for the full 3 days. If it’s a dry fast, then do a dry fast throughout.

      When you doing a multi-day fast, you need to brush your teeth often – just don’t swallow the water.
      Cleaning your mouth will help you cope with the acid reflux from your stomach and keep your mouth moist.
      Make sure that you’re bathing and moisturizing your skin. Use vaseline/lip balm on your lips to keep them
      moist throughout. Whatever you have to do, do it to finish your fast as per the Lord’s instructions.

      Regarding you dream about death:

      Once you wake up, call upon the Name of Jesus and the Blood of Jesus to rebuke every spirit of death.
      Everything you saw in the dream call it out and say clearly that you nullify it and its roots by the Blood of
      Jesus and in the Name of Jesus. Afterwards, do not fear!

      With regards to resources about bad dreams please follow this YouTube channel by Minister Kevin LA Ewing.
      Also, make sure that you visit this website by Evangelist Joshua Orekhie:

      It’s normal to have bad dreams, frightening dreams after a dry fast. Remember, your prayers just harassed these
      demons and agents of darkness, so they are trying to make you afraid. They don’t want you to ever fast and pray
      against them again. Don’t give in to the fear! Do NOT cooperate with them and draw back from your breakthroughs!

      Tee, Jesus Christ has not given you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
      I declare that you walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, the love of Christ and a sound mind. I decree and declare
      clarity to your mind concerning the hidden secrets of your life and all that concerns you. I pray Jesus’ continual
      protection, guidance and provision concerning you in Jesus’ name. Amen.

      God bless Beloved of Christ. With Jesus Christ you are always victorious.

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