Tips for Successful Dry Fasting as a Christian

Commit to dry fasting for a victorious Christian life

Consistent dry fasting is one of the requirements to live a victorious Christian life. There are many types of fasting, but the one that I will discuss in this article is dry fasting. Yes, no food, no water: the most extreme form of fasting. If you believe that the Holy Spirit is leading you to engage in dry fasting, please read these tips. Let’s begin!

The Importance of Dry Fasting

We will first consider the importance of dry fasting. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness at the start of His ministry.1 No, I am not telling you to go on a 40-days-and-nights fasting session! However, you switch your attention from physical to spiritual sustenance when you engage in dry fasting. You forego food to feast on the Word of God and experience the Spirit of God in a more profound way.

You build your spiritual strength and vigor when you engage in regular dry fasting and prayer. As you sit in the quiet place with the Lord, you also strengthen your relationship with Him and loose the flow of God’s anointing upon your life. Dry fasting is also useful in breaking ungodly soul ties and empowering you to live in purity. Dry fasting involves a deep sacrifice on your part, a sacrifice that denies your flesh, your natural inclination to eat physical food.

Dry Fasting for Spiritual Warfare

Dry fasting is also a key requirement in spiritual warfare. After the miraculous deliverance of a demon-possessed boy, Jesus had this conversation with His disciples:

Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Matthew 17:19-21, NKJV.

So, you can see that dry fasting should be one of the regular fixtures in the life of any committed Christian.

Tips for Success in Dry Fasting

Success in dry fasting is possible!

Whether you are considering dry fasting for a few hours, a day, or multiple days, here are some valuable tips:

Ask Jesus Christ to Help You Dry Fast

We can do nothing in our own strength; we all need divine empowerment. Therefore, before you do anything at all, ask Jesus Christ to help you to engage in dry fasting. Jesus has helped me to do regular dry fasting, and I know He will do the same for you. Just ask Him and believe that He has empowered you to dry fast.

Start Small to Build Your Dry Fasting Endurance

I became a committed Christian when I was ten, and I have been dry fasting since I was about age eleven. However, successfully dry fasting is not related to how long ago you came to Christ. It is primarily about your previous dry fasting experience.

I recommend the baby steps approach. At first, you will likely do water fasting (or a water-only fast) for a few hours in a day – such as before lunchtime. Then you may graduate to doing dry fasting (no food, no water) for a similar timeframe. After you have become accustomed to dry fasting for a set time, increase it each time by an hour. The idea is to build your dry fasting endurance slowly and over time.

Know Why You are Dry Fasting

Why are you doing a dry fast? Are you dry fasting because you want to grow stronger in your Christian walk? Are you dry fasting to overcome a certain problem? It is always useful to have a reason for your fast. This will help you to be focused in your praying – which is what we will explore next.

Pray Frequently as You are Dry Fasting

If you’re not praying while you’re dry fasting, you are simply choosing not to eat or drink anything. You need to pray frequently during your dry fast. This helps to keep your mind focused on Jesus Christ.

Please ensure that your first set of prayers is one of repentance. This clears the way for you to experience the move of God within your heart and your life. You should also offer Him prayers of thanksgiving. Life may not be perfect, but appreciate God for what He is doing right now in your life. Your reason for dry fasting will determine your subsequent prayers. While you pray for your own needs, remember to pray for others as well. Kindly recall that Job’s situation got better after he prayed for his friends.2

As committed Christians, we need to be grateful people of prayer. We must:

Rejoice evermore.

Pray without ceasing.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, KJV.

Read Your Bible

Dry fasting also means reading your Bible.

Your time of dry fasting is perfect for reading your Bible and meditating on the scriptures. As you read the Word of God, ask Jesus to open your understanding of the scriptures. You may also find it useful to read a simplified version of the Bible. However, in these times, you need to read such versions beside the King James Version to ensure that the newer version is true. This is because the devil has inspired people to remove certain portions of the scriptures in some of these newer versions. So, make sure that when you are reading a newer simplified version of the Bible, that you also have the King James Version on hand for comparison.

As you read the Word of God, you will find that you develop a greater appetite for it. As you read the Word some more, you will begin to remember more scriptures. The whole objective is for us to become good scholars and doers of God’s Word. Be committed to hiding the Word of God inside your heart so that it can guide you in all areas of your life.3

Play Worship Music

Music is so important in setting the right spiritual atmosphere. Your praise and your worship set the environment for your time of dry fasting. I find that when I have worship music playing continually in the background, I feel more alive in my spirit man. So, play your favorite gospel music and delight yourself in the Lord!

Guard Your Heart

You need to guard your heart when you are in dry fasting. Please do not watch movies, chat on your phone, text your friends and do all of your regular activities. When you’re fasting, you’re not just staying away from food and drink. You are also shutting down other activities that often distract you from the presence of the Lord. Deciding to dry fast is also deciding to spend some time sitting at Jesus’ feet and learning more about Him and His will for your life.

Expect to Hear from God

Dry fasting helps to build your relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the main ways to build a relationship is through consistent communication. Your emphasis should not be on just praying your prayer list many times over during your dry fast. Communication requires a flow of information both ways. So, after you have prayed, sit in silence for a time, and quiet your heart and mind. Let the Lord know that you are listening and ready to receive from Him.

Please note that the Lord speaks to us in many different ways. He speaks to us through His Word (the Bible); through others (such as sermons); through our dreams; in visions; and even audibly as that still small voice echoing in our minds. Be prepared to hear from Jesus Christ whenever you engage in dry fasting.

Abstain from Physically-Demanding Activities

Sometimes, you may have to dry fast while you are at work. This is not the ideal situation, but it is sometimes unavoidable. However, if your work and/or your commute are physically demanding, I recommend setting aside some time from work to engage in dry fasting and praying.

Our bodies need food to fuel them. When you’re fasting from food and water, you may feel a bit weak, and that is normal. Therefore, you need to avoid any activity that requires expending lots of energy. In addition, you should not expose yourself to extreme temperatures while you’re dry fasting.

Expect Temptations During Your Dry Fast and Afterwards

During your dry fast, you will feel like you should give up. But don’t quit! That’s just the devil trying to get you to stop fasting. Instead, I recommend praying against those thoughts in the name of Jesus. Pray and ask Jesus to strengthen you in those weak moments.

Whenever I feel myself getting weak, and my stomach starts to growl, I pray. I also speak to my digestive system and order it to behave. I put my entire body under the subjection of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What happens? I go about my dry fast with renewed strength. So, don’t give in!

Jesus Christ experienced temptations after He ended His fasting in the wilderness.4 You should also expect temptations after your dry fast. Family members, friends, and associates may start to misbehave. The situation that you just fasted about may get worse. But don’t give up! Do not begin to use your thoughts, words, and actions to agree with the negativity you see. Remain firm in the Lord and believe that you will see improvements. See the deliverance, restoration, and new situations before they materialize in the natural realm. We walk by faith and not by sight. So, do not yield to the temptations; firmly resist the devil, and walk by faith in Christ alone!

Other Articles in This Series

How to Complete 3 Days Dry Fasting: What You Need to Know

What is Dry Fasting in Christianity and the Alternatives?

Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast

All the Best in Your Dry Fasting!

I gave these tips for a successful dry fast as the Lord laid them on my heart. I pray that you will commit to regular prayer and dry fasting as a way of life and not just in response to a situation, or when God calls you to such a season. When we come to Christ, we should come in knowing that we are at war! As a strong soldier in the army of Jesus Christ, we need to engage in regular dry fasting. This prepares us to be successful in spiritual warfare. We will also grow in the knowledge and strength of Jesus Christ, as we become even more empowered to do mighty exploits in His Kingdom and to His glory.

May Jesus’ blessings, peace, and wisdom be upon us all.



  1. Please see Matthew 4.
  2. Please read Job 42.
  3. 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:22-25; Psalm 119:11, 97-105.
  4. Please see Matthew 4:1-11.

112 Replies to “Tips for Successful Dry Fasting as a Christian”

  1. Thank you so much for this article, I pray for strength to go on with my fasting now, I also pray deeply that God answers me.. I need him now more than ever🙏🏻

    1. Hello Merit,
      I pray that you received strength for your fast and for all other fasts (as led by the Lord).
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.

  2. Iam blessed by this article dear,Im doing a dry fast and I needed guidance but the holy spirit led me to this and now iam geard up for the dry fast 3days and 3nights seeking the lord.may Jesus see me through. Be blessed dear Sophy.

    1. Hello Paula,
      I pray that your fast allowed you to hear clearly from the Lord.
      May your prayers be answered in Jesus’ Name.
      God bless.

  3. This article renewed my strength. I’m going forward with the tips as a lifestyle. Thank you greatly and God bless you.

    1. Hello Izuchukwu,
      To God be all the glory. I am happy you found the article useful.
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and your family in Him.

    1. Hello Nonso,
      To God be all the glory.
      I am happy you found the article useful and you were blessed.
      May God continue to bless and keep you and your loved ones as well.

      1. I just read this now and am so humbled that its of so much use to me. I was fasting regularly but i was only fasting from food and water. I wasnt conversant with the rest. I feel so blessed through this article. May the Good Lord continue using you! Thanks

        1. Hello Lyn,
          To God be all the glory. I am happy you found the article useful.
          May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and your family.

    2. Was searching on how to go about dry fasting and I found this article. I Am blessed to read this arrival at the right time and I ask God to strengthen me…

      1. Hello Joseph,
        The Lord is glorified. I am happy you found the article helpful.
        May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.

  4. Thanks Sophia.
    May the holy spirit continues to reveal to you more and more revelations and also May he give you more wisdom and insight as you are ministering words of encouragement from Gods holy word May your ministry be blessed.
    I’m a living witness of what a prayer fast can do after observing 6am to 6pm prayer fast about 2 month i then upgrade to 7 days dry fast when i was praying in the process i experienced a divine healing touch from God. and as I was praying in midnight around 3 am God opened my eye to see vision I was very much excited when i saw vision and a day after seeing vision to my Greatest surprise in the morning what God showed me in vision happened this equally made me to develop a strong faith in christ jesus.
    The only spiritual gifts i had before was only dreams but now i can be praying and at the same time God will open my eyes to see mistries.
    As God May have it I’m being God into Gods ministry to work as a deliverance minister (full time) I need more Grace and anointing to run a good race of a Christian life.

    1. Hello Christian,
      To God be all the glory.
      I am happy you found the article useful.
      I pray that Jesus Christ will continue to reveal Himself to you
      as you draw closer to Him.
      God bless.

  5. Am really encouraged by this article.It was timely and on point with the leading of the spirit. I was really discouraged.

    From Nairobi-Kenya

    1. Hello Sharifa,
      To God be all the glory.
      I am happy you found the article useful and were encouraged.
      God bless.

  6. I was Bless by the article also your replies to series of comments, my faith has been strengthened.

    1. Hello Jephthah,
      To God be all the glory.
      I am happy you found the article useful.
      God bless.

    1. Hello Joan,
      Sorry for the late reply – my website attracts a lot of spam and it takes time to wade through the comments for approval.
      What is the Holy Spirit telling you to do?
      Were you instructed to fast for three days without stopping?
      If you believe that the Lord told you to go on three days of dry fasting and you’re breaking it each evening,
      then you should have more than just tea.
      It all depends on what Jesus Christ tells you to do.
      God bless.

  7. Praise the Lord Mrs. Sophia,
    This evening I felt like the holy spirit was telling me to fast and not just a normal fast but to dry fast. I have never dry fasted before so I came online and found your website. I read it carefully and even read some of the comments. I found your advice very helpful to me. Although since its my first time, something was telling me to fast for three days 6am-6pm. That’s all, may God bless you and your family, amen.

    1. Hello Aluel,
      I am happy that you found the article useful – glory to God.
      I pray for your strength during your fast.
      May you receive greater clarity and see results from your dry fast in Jesus’ Name.

    1. Hello Anna,
      I’m happy that you found the article useful – to God be the glory.
      I pray that you will receive His supernatural strength to continue with all the days of your fast.
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.

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