Tips for Successful Dry Fasting as a Christian

Commit to dry fasting for a victorious Christian life

Consistent dry fasting is one of the requirements to live a victorious Christian life. There are many types of fasting, but the one that I will discuss in this article is dry fasting. Yes, no food, no water: the most extreme form of fasting. If you believe that the Holy Spirit is leading you to engage in dry fasting, please read these tips. Let’s begin!

The Importance of Dry Fasting

We will first consider the importance of dry fasting. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness at the start of His ministry.1 No, I am not telling you to go on a 40-days-and-nights fasting session! However, you switch your attention from physical to spiritual sustenance when you engage in dry fasting. You forego food to feast on the Word of God and experience the Spirit of God in a more profound way.

You build your spiritual strength and vigor when you engage in regular dry fasting and prayer. As you sit in the quiet place with the Lord, you also strengthen your relationship with Him and loose the flow of God’s anointing upon your life. Dry fasting is also useful in breaking ungodly soul ties and empowering you to live in purity. Dry fasting involves a deep sacrifice on your part, a sacrifice that denies your flesh, your natural inclination to eat physical food.

Dry Fasting for Spiritual Warfare

Dry fasting is also a key requirement in spiritual warfare. After the miraculous deliverance of a demon-possessed boy, Jesus had this conversation with His disciples:

Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?”

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Matthew 17:19-21, NKJV.

So, you can see that dry fasting should be one of the regular fixtures in the life of any committed Christian.

Tips for Success in Dry Fasting

Success in dry fasting is possible!

Whether you are considering dry fasting for a few hours, a day, or multiple days, here are some valuable tips:

Ask Jesus Christ to Help You Dry Fast

We can do nothing in our own strength; we all need divine empowerment. Therefore, before you do anything at all, ask Jesus Christ to help you to engage in dry fasting. Jesus has helped me to do regular dry fasting, and I know He will do the same for you. Just ask Him and believe that He has empowered you to dry fast.

Start Small to Build Your Dry Fasting Endurance

I became a committed Christian when I was ten, and I have been dry fasting since I was about age eleven. However, successfully dry fasting is not related to how long ago you came to Christ. It is primarily about your previous dry fasting experience.

I recommend the baby steps approach. At first, you will likely do water fasting (or a water-only fast) for a few hours in a day – such as before lunchtime. Then you may graduate to doing dry fasting (no food, no water) for a similar timeframe. After you have become accustomed to dry fasting for a set time, increase it each time by an hour. The idea is to build your dry fasting endurance slowly and over time.

Know Why You are Dry Fasting

Why are you doing a dry fast? Are you dry fasting because you want to grow stronger in your Christian walk? Are you dry fasting to overcome a certain problem? It is always useful to have a reason for your fast. This will help you to be focused in your praying – which is what we will explore next.

Pray Frequently as You are Dry Fasting

If you’re not praying while you’re dry fasting, you are simply choosing not to eat or drink anything. You need to pray frequently during your dry fast. This helps to keep your mind focused on Jesus Christ.

Please ensure that your first set of prayers is one of repentance. This clears the way for you to experience the move of God within your heart and your life. You should also offer Him prayers of thanksgiving. Life may not be perfect, but appreciate God for what He is doing right now in your life. Your reason for dry fasting will determine your subsequent prayers. While you pray for your own needs, remember to pray for others as well. Kindly recall that Job’s situation got better after he prayed for his friends.2

As committed Christians, we need to be grateful people of prayer. We must:

Rejoice evermore.

Pray without ceasing.

In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, KJV.

Read Your Bible

Dry fasting also means reading your Bible.

Your time of dry fasting is perfect for reading your Bible and meditating on the scriptures. As you read the Word of God, ask Jesus to open your understanding of the scriptures. You may also find it useful to read a simplified version of the Bible. However, in these times, you need to read such versions beside the King James Version to ensure that the newer version is true. This is because the devil has inspired people to remove certain portions of the scriptures in some of these newer versions. So, make sure that when you are reading a newer simplified version of the Bible, that you also have the King James Version on hand for comparison.

As you read the Word of God, you will find that you develop a greater appetite for it. As you read the Word some more, you will begin to remember more scriptures. The whole objective is for us to become good scholars and doers of God’s Word. Be committed to hiding the Word of God inside your heart so that it can guide you in all areas of your life.3

Play Worship Music

Music is so important in setting the right spiritual atmosphere. Your praise and your worship set the environment for your time of dry fasting. I find that when I have worship music playing continually in the background, I feel more alive in my spirit man. So, play your favorite gospel music and delight yourself in the Lord!

Guard Your Heart

You need to guard your heart when you are in dry fasting. Please do not watch movies, chat on your phone, text your friends and do all of your regular activities. When you’re fasting, you’re not just staying away from food and drink. You are also shutting down other activities that often distract you from the presence of the Lord. Deciding to dry fast is also deciding to spend some time sitting at Jesus’ feet and learning more about Him and His will for your life.

Expect to Hear from God

Dry fasting helps to build your relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the main ways to build a relationship is through consistent communication. Your emphasis should not be on just praying your prayer list many times over during your dry fast. Communication requires a flow of information both ways. So, after you have prayed, sit in silence for a time, and quiet your heart and mind. Let the Lord know that you are listening and ready to receive from Him.

Please note that the Lord speaks to us in many different ways. He speaks to us through His Word (the Bible); through others (such as sermons); through our dreams; in visions; and even audibly as that still small voice echoing in our minds. Be prepared to hear from Jesus Christ whenever you engage in dry fasting.

Abstain from Physically-Demanding Activities

Sometimes, you may have to dry fast while you are at work. This is not the ideal situation, but it is sometimes unavoidable. However, if your work and/or your commute are physically demanding, I recommend setting aside some time from work to engage in dry fasting and praying.

Our bodies need food to fuel them. When you’re fasting from food and water, you may feel a bit weak, and that is normal. Therefore, you need to avoid any activity that requires expending lots of energy. In addition, you should not expose yourself to extreme temperatures while you’re dry fasting.

Expect Temptations During Your Dry Fast and Afterwards

During your dry fast, you will feel like you should give up. But don’t quit! That’s just the devil trying to get you to stop fasting. Instead, I recommend praying against those thoughts in the name of Jesus. Pray and ask Jesus to strengthen you in those weak moments.

Whenever I feel myself getting weak, and my stomach starts to growl, I pray. I also speak to my digestive system and order it to behave. I put my entire body under the subjection of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! What happens? I go about my dry fast with renewed strength. So, don’t give in!

Jesus Christ experienced temptations after He ended His fasting in the wilderness.4 You should also expect temptations after your dry fast. Family members, friends, and associates may start to misbehave. The situation that you just fasted about may get worse. But don’t give up! Do not begin to use your thoughts, words, and actions to agree with the negativity you see. Remain firm in the Lord and believe that you will see improvements. See the deliverance, restoration, and new situations before they materialize in the natural realm. We walk by faith and not by sight. So, do not yield to the temptations; firmly resist the devil, and walk by faith in Christ alone!

Other Articles in This Series

How to Complete 3 Days Dry Fasting: What You Need to Know

What is Dry Fasting in Christianity and the Alternatives?

Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast

All the Best in Your Dry Fasting!

I gave these tips for a successful dry fast as the Lord laid them on my heart. I pray that you will commit to regular prayer and dry fasting as a way of life and not just in response to a situation, or when God calls you to such a season. When we come to Christ, we should come in knowing that we are at war! As a strong soldier in the army of Jesus Christ, we need to engage in regular dry fasting. This prepares us to be successful in spiritual warfare. We will also grow in the knowledge and strength of Jesus Christ, as we become even more empowered to do mighty exploits in His Kingdom and to His glory.

May Jesus’ blessings, peace, and wisdom be upon us all.



  1. Please see Matthew 4.
  2. Please read Job 42.
  3. 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:22-25; Psalm 119:11, 97-105.
  4. Please see Matthew 4:1-11.

112 Replies to “Tips for Successful Dry Fasting as a Christian”

  1. Hi Sophia, I have been married for almost 4 years, and believing God for the fruit of the womb, but I went for scan, I was confirm that I have fibrold, that d only option is to go for surgery, but I have this believe that Jesus can heal me, an make me to have, wen I wake-up this my spirit was saying do dry fasting, can God heal me and bless with the fruit of the womb, after the dry fasting? Thanks Elizabeth.

    1. Hello Elizabeth,
      Yes, you can be healed by the power of Jesus Christ.
      However, you said your spirit was saying to do dry fasting.
      Are you a committed Christian? Have you surrendered your life
      to Jesus Christ?
      This is not to be mean or anything, but the Kingdom of Heaven
      and our lives operate by spiritual principles outlined in the
      Bible. The matter of your salvation and close walk with Jesus
      Christ is of utmost importance.
      Once that is set, then you have access to Jesus Christ. You have
      access to his throne so you can go in and make your request.
      Even if you are a Christian, here’s another thing: Is it the Holy
      Spirit that is leading you to do a dry fast?
      When it comes to these matters, it is helpful if your husband can also
      join you in this fast. However, if he can’t, but the Spirit of God is
      leading you to do so, you can proceed. But, you must at least have your husband’s
      agreement. You’re going to be spending time away from your wifely duties and the
      marital bed, so he needs to know and agree.
      Beloved, here’s something else the Holy Spirit is prompting me to add:
      Please don’t let anyone (friends, family, in-laws, etc.) lead you to any
      occultic person (or seemingly “Christian prophet/prophetess”) for a child. Please
      remember that:

      “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”
      Psalm 127:3.

      “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,
      with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
      James 1:17.

      As you enter this dry fast, get scriptures (Google them) to backup your request for complete
      healing of your reproductive system and the fruit of the womb. Pray the scriptures during your fast.
      Believe firmly in your healing. Cast down every disbelief and temptation during your fast.
      You can see my other article about overcoming temptations during and after your dry fast.
      I pray that you and your husband will have the testimony of Hannah and Elkanah in Jesus’ name.
      Please feel free to contact me again.
      God bless.

  2. I have never tried dry fasting of more than one day.
    1.Is it possible for mi to do dry fasting for 3 days without having anything.

    2.When you are in dry fasting how many prayer requests do u make Is t strictly one or you can make more than that

    1. Hello Nabwami Evelyne,
      1. Yes, it is possible to fast for 3 days straight.
      However, this must be on the express instruction of the Holy Spirit of God.
      The Lord led me on a 3 days and 3 nights dry fasting and night vigils to break
      certain evil strongholds. Praise Jesus, I was successful! Glory to God!
      2. There are no limits on the number of prayer requests. I recommend that you write them all down
      and find scriptures that speak to each one and record those as well. Praying these scriptures
      about yourself and your situation will help you during your fast.

      You will need to be in a quiet place where no one will disturb you for those 3 days and 3 nights.
      You will also need to ensure that this is a safe place. You will be sleeping on and off throughout this
      time of the fast. Don’t worry about that. Just make sure that every waking moment is spent praying, reading the
      Word and writing down everything the Lord reveals to you. When you break your fast on the 4th morning, break it
      with a light herbal tea (milk may aggravate your stomach). Don’t go and eat a lot of food on the 4th day! Your stomach
      would have shrunk a bit, so it will take about 3 days to get back to your regular diet.

      Once again: be sure that it is Jesus Christ that’s leading you to do this 3 days and 3 nights of fasting. Don’t do it
      in your own strength. God bless.

  3. Hi Sophia, I am glad came across your article. I have never done dry fasting before and I don’t much about fasting over all like the rules. I have a few questions I would like to ask.
    1. How much hours for the day and can I drink water after the fasting ends for that day?
    2. If I don’t feel unwell during my cycle can I do the fasting while on my cycle?
    3. How would I know that the voice is coming from God and not another spirit not from God?

    1. Hello Peta-Gaye,
      I’m happy that you found the article useful. To God be the glory.
      1. As I indicated in the article, you undertake dry fasting in stages.
      It’s all about building your endurance. You can start with a 6am to 12pm (noon)
      dry fast. Then the next time you extend it to 3pm…then 6pm… etc. Once your time
      of fasting is complete, you can eat and drink as usual. I’m a tea-drinker, so I break
      my fast with a cup of tea before eating anything.
      2. Unless the Lord leads you to dry fast for a month (this is generally done as 6am-6pm daily
      dry fasts for 30/31 days), then I would avoid the menstrual cycle all together. When a lady is
      menstruating, that’s the perfect time to stop and engage in some “me” time as she focuses on herself.
      However, in all things be led by the Holy Spirit.
      3. Undertaking a dry fast not only supercharges your spiritual life and walk, it also gives your godly clarity
      about your life. You may want to also read the follow-up article to this one:
      Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast
      You get to know the voice of the Lord by dedicating time each day to just have quiet time with Him. No cellphone, no TV, no distractions.
      You just need your Bible, your pen and paper, and worship music playing lightly in the background.
      Just as you would pay attention to someone who was speaking with you, that is how you must treat your quiet time with Jesus Christ. Set the space
      to have daily communication with Him. As you spend more time in His presence, you will learn to know His voice (just like you know your parents’ voices). Another thing: The Lord will never contradict His Word: the Bible. So even as I sit in Jesus’ presence (and when I go about my daily
      business as well), I not only hear His instructions, but He will also give me a scripture (or more) to confirm. This means that not only should you
      be dry fasting, you need to become a scholar of the Word of God. Yes, I said a scholar: deep knowledge of the scriptures is not reserved for church leaders 🙂
      Anything that is not clearly backed by the Bible, is either from our own carnal nature, or the devil (who we must soundly rebuke in Jesus’ name).
      I hope that this helps. May the Lord Jesus give you grace and strength to grow deeply in Him and may you fulfill His will for your life.

  4. Hello Sophia, please what are your thoughts pertaining to fasting and Leviticus 15:19-23?
    Should a lady wait for 7 days before she begins fasting? Your thoughts please

    1. Hello Miss,
      This was the levitical law about maintaining cleanliness during a lady’s menstrual cycle.
      You need to bear in mind that handling one’s monthly flow was quite a challenge during those
      times without the modern conveniences that we have.
      When a lady is menstruating, she is often in pain and discomfort. Fasting puts some strain on the
      body, and it’s impossible to take painkillers while you’re fasting from food and water. So to avoid
      the distractions associated with the challenges of menstruating, I would recommend not fasting during
      that period (especially if that person is not familiar with dry fasting).
      Now the matter of observing 7 days after the end of the period/menstruation to begin fasting: that is a personal choice.
      If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to wait those extra 7 days, then do so. However, I wouldn’t recommend dry fasting during one’s
      menstruation days.
      God bless.

  5. Hi Sophie

    For 8 years now I have been doing on & offs in my relation with Jesus.In all these years,I have allowed spirits of pornography,lust & masterbation to have absolute control of my life.I have fasted in the past only to yield during the fast

    I felt moved to go into 3 days & 3 nights of fasting & today happens to be my 1st day.Before I started the fast,I had a dream & in that dream I was speaking in tongues(& I ‘knew’ in that dream that I need to pray in tongues throughout the fast,to focus on Jesus & his presense & not to specifically adress this tormenting spirits).I felt like Jesus was saying,”Do not adress these spirits & desires during the fast,but do that in the last hour of your fast.

    So today is my 3rd day but I had a dream where I was having intercourse with two women.I dont want to be graphic but I did wake up ‘wet’

    For a minute,I was discouraged but I began speakingvin other tongues & meditating on the scriptures I have been reading during the fast.

    Thank you for your encouragement on not giving up & giving in.My total deliverance is imminent.It troubled me how God would allow demons of immorality to torment me in my dreans but I now know that these are the ladt kicks of a dying horse.I believe I have a calling from God unto ministry & that in this fast,God is dealing with me,removing all of the hindrances that may be a stumbling block in His ministry in my life

    I am more than a conquerer. I will not give in.I will not allow anything that is not the Lord Jesus to satisfy me.My soul longs for him.Nothing else will do

    Thank you again Sophie for the reassuring word

    1. Hello Tendai,
      I am very sorry that I just saw your post (I’ve been dealing with a lot of spam comments).
      Yes, these sexual immorality spirits are quite persistent. But, never, never, never give up!
      Also, as you go through this warfare, don’t allow the devil to make you feel guilty or unworthy of following Christ.
      Know that as long as you repent and you’re fighting to live holy for Him, Jesus Christ will always love you and He will never forsake you.
      God bless and keep focused on Jesus Christ, His word (the Bible), worship, and working in His Kingdom.

  6. Thank you, I’ve been blessed by this article. But I don’t really know the ideal time for fasting and breaking. I intend to do fasting for three days and I intend to break every 6pm with fruits and water only, and then proceed the next day. Can it still be called dry fasting ?

    1. Hello Stephen,
      I’m happy that the article blessed you. All glory to God.
      There is no set time limits for fasting. If you have never dry fasted before,
      then you need to take it slowly.
      Persons who are accustomed to dry fasting can fast from 6 AM to 6 PM
      for each day of a multi-fast.
      However, don’t push yourself to 6 PM if you never did it before. But, be led by the
      Holy Spirit about your end time each day.
      If the Holy Spirit leads you to break your fast with fruits and water only,
      then yes, it is still dry fasting.
      Dry fasting just means no foods or liquids during the period of your fast.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions about the same.
      May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.
      God bless.

  7. I’m not familiar with days of dry fasting but I’m believing God for a success through this time of dry fasting. God bless you for this article, I’ve learnt a lot.

    1. Hello Hanna,
      All glory to God! I am happy that you found this article to be useful.
      Don’t give up on fasting: even when you fall short of the time you set to end your fast.
      Keep at it and steadily increase the time limit.
      Soon, you will become used to fasting.
      I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to you in a great way even as you seek Him in prayer and fasting during this season.
      God bless.

      1. Hello Majorine,
        Thanks for checking out the article. I pray that you were blessed.
        I’m not sure if you want Hanna to respond (you posted your message as a reply to her post).
        At any rate, I’ll respond.
        If you would like to know more about what to expect from dry fasting, then please check out this other article:
        Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast
        Once you’ve read it, then you can ask me any questions you desire. Simply post your questions below that article. That way, we’ll be on the same page – literally! lol!
        May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours.


  8. Wow.. God has guide me thru this page today. I’ve decided to do 10 days dry fasting but needed some words of encouragement and knowing that God is with me! I’m familiar with dry fasting and every time temptation comes, I know God is with me and readying His words helps me go thru it.. Like you said walk by faith not by sight!! Thank you Sophia

    1. Hello Eva,

      I am happy that the Lord led you to the article and it was useful. Before you go on these 10 days of dry fasting, ask Jesus to give you prayer points for each day. You must fast with a goal (or goals in mind). That is what helps you stay on course and finish the fast.

      For every multi-day fast I undertake, I generally use the first day for personal repentance and cleansing, and the final day for thanksgiving and glorifying God for answered prayers. Make sure that you have a notebook nearby during this fast. Record the scriptures the Lord leads you to read and what He impresses upon your heart. Record any songs that really bless your heart during this season. If you are a dreamer, then also record any dreams and sit and ask the Lord for understanding of those dreams.

      I pray that Jesus Christ will go before you and strengthen you in this season of dry fasting. I pray that you will have many supernatural testimonies from this fast in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    1. Hello Felix! I’m happy that you’re blessed by this message. May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in 2020 and beyond.

      1. Good article. Though I remember differently about Jesus 40 day fast. When it ended all it said was that he was hungry. I don’t recall it saying he hadn’t anything to drink.
        Thanks for the article!

        1. Hello Eddy,
          Thanks for commenting.
          However, I created the article in response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share on this topic.
          I am not asking anyone to go on a dry fast. Let everyone be led by the Spirit of God regarding how they want to fast.
          My role is to do what Jesus Christ tells me to do. I write as led by His Holy Spirit.
          God bless you and your loved ones.

      2. Praise the lord
        Am DIANA
        During dry fasting ,it’s said tht u mention a reason why..if it’s related to a problem or growing stronger in your Christian walk?
        Must it be 1 reason ov the above or u can choose both? I

        1. Hello Diana,
          Yes, you can fast for both reasons.
          May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.

    2. This is all very encouraging thanks for the tips. I have previously done some water fast recently ordered by God but was getting weak and dropping out. I have only grown stronger since then as I’m currently dry fasting and I dont I can go thr whole 40 days this way but I’m just allowing Him to lead me. He has let me know that I dont need water at this time maybe later idk. Really a trust God situation.

      1. Hello Tyrone,
        It’s good to know that you are engaging in regular dry fasting.
        A multi-day fast often means that you fast from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day.
        Each evening, you would break you fast as eat as normal.
        However, if you work outdoors and you’re frequently exposed to the heat of summer,
        then you may want to continue with the water fast.
        With any type of fasting, it is mind over matter. You will feel weak, and you may
        even hear a voice telling you that you’re not going to be able to go through it.
        The key is to push past those inclinations. You may want to refer to my other article
        Dry Fasting: How to Overcome Temptations During and After Your Dry Fast
        as it explores common temptations and suggestions on how to overcome them.
        Since you started out with water fasting and you were struggling, I suggest first mastering
        a water fast. Then when a water fast no longer fazes you, graduate to a few hours of dry fasting.
        Each time, you keep increasing the time limit for the dry fast.
        Eventually, it won’t bother you to dry fast at all.
        Then you can go into the 40 days of dry fasting (where you break your fast each evening).
        God bless.


    3. I am getting prepared for a seven days dry fast, I wanted to get some more tips on this fast, because it is my first time going on seven days, I know it is not easy because I went on three days since of recent and I was tempted to drink water to the extreme on the final day, it was one of my family member that encouraged me through the final hours; so while searching I selected this article and to God be the glory, I am already encouraged. I am going to take every advice given. God bless you.

      1. Hello Melisha,
        To God be all the glory, I’m happy that you found the article useful.
        The Lord led me to complete three days of dry fasting (a straight 72 hours without food and water).
        I detail that experience in an article that I recommend you also read:
        How to Complete 3 Days Dry Fasting: What You Need to Know
        If you have any questions after reading the above article, then feel free to leave them on that article and I’ll respond.
        I don’t know if you intend to break your fast each evening or if you intend to dry fast for the full 7 days.
        If it’s the latter case, then make sure that you have clear instructions from Jesus Christ to do just that.
        I pray for your strength in successfully completing your fast.
        May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him. Amen.


        1. I have read the article you’ve suggested. I have taken some powerful points that you have made, especially praying against those sexual demons which I too have been attacked by; I was not planning on breaking my fast, the Lord told me 7 days dry fast, and he assured me that He is my strength, I’m trusting Him to see me through.

          1. Hello Melisha,
            I pray for your strength during your fast and for your complete deliverance in Jesus’ Name.
            I’m sure that many testimonies will follow.
            God bless.

    4. May God bless you and your family in His name. l really enjoyed everything you wrote how it feels to be a child of God. Once more thank you and God bless you.

      1. Hello Gabriel,
        To God be all the glory. I am happy that you found the article useful.
        May Jesus Christ continue to bless and keep you and yours in Him.

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