She Lives On Through Me: Celebrating My Mother’s Life

She Lives On Through Me

It’s been a long while since I sat to write a blog post – longer than I would have liked. However, my second book, She Lives On Through Me, took me through a lot. I’ll be honest: I ugly-cried so much during the writing and editing process. I also struggled with bouts of severe depression. But, glory to God, I finally finished this book in December 2021. It is finally here! Hallelujah!

Now, let’s talk about the story behind this book:

She Lives On Through Me: Recording Her Words

She Lives On Through Me

Before my mother’s passing, the Lord impressed upon my heart to ask her permission to put her story in a book (not, I had never published anything before). She agreed. However, the deep sadness, loneliness, sorrow, and depression that followed her death made me most unwilling to write anything.

My dear mother, Adlin Pretina Bennett, passed on to be with the Lord on August 3, 2009. I buried her on August 16, 2009. On August 19, 2009, I was in Binghamton, USA.  Yes, it was that fast! It was Mommy’s wish for me to begin my Ph.D. in Economics program right after her death. The program was supposed to stop me from missing her too much. But, I did miss her – I still miss her even now.

Breaking Down and Writing It All Out

She Lives On Through Me

In that first semester of graduate school at SUNY Binghamton, USA, I functioned on autopilot. I was physically present but emotionally absent. One day, I had a few hours free – I think a class had canceled. It was Fall 2009.

I began to dread losing my memories of my dear mother. So, I went to a remote ladies’ room on campus, selected the last stall, entered, locked the door, and sat down on the toilet. From my knapsack hanging on the hook, I pulled out a stack of binder paper and a pen. As I wrote, the tears flowed.

What was I writing? I wrote my memories of my mother, my Mommy. And even in the depth of my despair, the Spirit of the Lord was with me. I wrote down the things Mommy would say to me, things that made her uniquely Adlin, things I never wanted to forget.

I cried so hard that my tears obscured my vision. Yet, alone in that steel-enclosed bathroom stall, I wiped my tears and kept writing. Whenever someone would enter, I would stop crying, and be very quiet until they did their business and went away.  Fortunately, I had few interruptions.

I wrote a lot that day as I had one of my innumerable cathartic moments.  Then, I later typed these notes of her sayings and other important details. These copious notes are the foundation of the book you now see: She Lives On Through Me: Exploring the Wisdom Of My Jamaican Mother.

She Lives On Through Me: Carrying On Her Legacy

She Lives On Through Me

I wrote this book over many years. I even thought that it would be the first book that I would publish. However, the Lord told me to publish Jesus, Where Are You? : Going Through Your Seasons With Hope first, in August 2020. Then, Jesus Christ gave me the directive to complete and publish this book in 2021. It was a race to the last month of the year, but I made the divine deadline! Glory to God!

I wrote this book to fulfill my Heavenly Father’s mandate. I want to share the story of my mother’s life and the lessons that she gave me. When we leave this earth, we will live on in the memories of our loved ones. Our lives will echo onwards through them and throughout the earth, until we all meet again in heaven, before Jesus’ throne.

I want my mother, Adlin Pretina Bennett to live on – not just in my memories and those of her loved ones, but much further.  My prayer is that this book will allow the message of her life and her wisdom to spread throughout the earth. This book will be the testament that Adlin Pretina Bennett was here and she made a difference as a catalyst of love, peace, wisdom, hope, and quiet strength.

Inspiring You to Carry On the Legacies of Your Loved Ones

She Lives On Through Me

Finally, I want this book to encourage you to face those poignant, bittersweet memories of your loved ones. They came, they lived, and they made a difference. They changed this world for the better. I pray that this book will be a divine avenue of the peace, love, and strength that you need. May you receive God’s comfort and His insights about how you can carry on the legacy of your loved ones.  As time moves forward, may we cry a little bit less, recall the great memories, pass on their lessons, and carry on their legacies.

May Jesus’ blessings, peace, and wisdom be upon us all.




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