Get Plugged In! Stay Plugged In!

I love when God gives me His instructions on what to write in this blog. I was unplugging my tablet from the power strip, when I heard: “Get plugged in!” Then I focused on that phrase. It was true that if my tablet hadn’t been plugged into the power source, it wouldn’t have charged. My tablet had to remain plugged in so that it could fully charge. Do you feel yourself running low on spiritual energy? Did you check your connection? You must ensure that you are still plugged into Jesus!

Feeling Drained? Check Your Power Cord!

Life can get in the way at times. We become focused on never-ending to-do lists in every area of our lives. It seems like everything needs our attention at the same time! As we run around trying to keep it all together, we begin to feel…tired…exhausted…lifeless. Sometimes it may not be the excess activity that runs our energy low, but the lack of any activity. The loss of hope that our situations will ever change can make us feel depleted. Whatever the reasons, the end result is the same: empty.

I have found myself in empty seasons. All of those times arose because I was not connected to my power source, Jesus Christ. Something (or someone) had blocked my connection and blocked the life-giving flow of energy from Him to me. As an initial step, I ask that you identify and remove all blocks to your connection to Christ. Get plugged in to your divine Power Source.

Abide in Jesus Christ

I believe that the Word of God covers every situation that we will ever face. Therefore as I was thinking about this message earlier, I asked God to show me the relevant scripture:

Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
I am the vine, you are the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;
for without Me you can do nothing.
John 15:4-5, NKJV.

When we are not connected to Jesus, we can’t receive from Him. However if we are going to have abundant lives in Christ and through Him, then we have to remain connected. We have to be “rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith” in order to walk in His fullness. 1 Without Jesus we can do nothing, so we must get plugged in and stay plugged into Him.

What’s Inside of You?

I just looked down on my laptop and I saw the sticker: “Intel inside”. My little research told me that Intel refers to the processor inside the computer. Without a processor, your computing device will never work. What’s inside of you? Are you empty? Just as a computer can’t function without its processor, we also can’t function without Jesus Christ. What’s on your label? Is it “Jesus inside”? Remove everything that’s not godly and do a replacement. You need to fill up with the Fruit of the Spirit? 2 We all need to ensure that our “Jesus inside” sticker is not just a display. It must be a fact, every day and in every situation.

Maintain Your Divine Connection to Jesus Christ

I encourage us to not forsake our time and place of prayer and communion with Jesus Christ. We must commit to nurturing our personal relationship with our heavenly Father. So if you are feeling out of sorts, I encourage you to check your power cord. Make sure that you are connected to Jesus Christ. Get plugged in and stay plugged in to Christ. No matter what happens in your life, make sure that you stay connected to Him. I’ll leave you with the chorus of my favorite hymn:

We have an anchor that keeps the soul,
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.
Priscilla J. Owens and William J. Kirkpatrick, 1882.

Blessings, peace and wisdom upon you,

  1. Colossians 2:6-7; 9-10.
  2. Please see Galatians 5:22-23.

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