Rejecting the Counterfeit

While I was working on a number of tasks yesterday, the Holy Spirit told me that we must detect and reject every counterfeit. These counterfeits can occur in every area of our lives: our personal/social life, our careers, our businesses, and our spiritual life. However we must be attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit warning us about these counterfeits. He will also direct our attention to the proverbial red flags. As children of God, we must ensure that we are able to detect and reject all counterfeits.

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Stay with the Herd!

I often hear people say that they don’t want to come to church because they can praise God at home. In reality, if you stay home, you will be distracted by chores and other activities, so you won’t worship God. According to Jesus,  where a few persons are gathered to worship Him, He’s in their midst to bless them and answer their prayers.1 In Hebrews 10:25 we are told to not forsake corporate worship. Yes, once we have accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts, we become the temple of the Lord.2 However this doesn’t mean that we should isolate ourselves. When we meet in church, we encourage each other in our respective walks with Christ. We lift our spirits when we meet in corporate worship.3 Continue reading “Stay with the Herd!”

Activate Your Faith Walk!

I was driving along one of the main thoroughfares in my city of Kingston, when I started to focus on a taxi cab. The traffic was moderate, but the driver of this cab kept switching erratically between the two lanes. He was desperate to get ahead of everyone else. He weaved crazily from one lane to the next, darting dangerously in and out of the flow of traffic – all minus the use of his indicator lights! I was becoming increasingly annoyed at the antics of this driver, when suddenly the Holy Spirit dropped James 1:8 in my heart: “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” What does this have to do with our faith walk? Keep reading!

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Feeling Insignificant? You Are Most Definitely Not!

We live in the age of social media. With a few swipes of our fingers, we are transported to a front-row seat of important events in other people’s lives. Social media amplifies the sneaky urge to be just as grand as our “friends”. We are constantly inundated with announcements of wonderful things such as marriages, child births, new jobs, promotions, exotic vacations, expensive cars, etc. from every quarter – except ours. If we are not careful, we can begin to feel the pangs of jealousy, self-pity, and then the angst of not being good enough, not doing enough, and not having achieved enough. We can begin to feel small. Then feeling insignificant sets in… and that’s a lonely, desolate outlook on life. But we must fight back against that outlook – because that’s not who we really are.
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