Christian Purity for Singles: Pure Interactions

We must have pure interactions in everything and everywhere

This is the fifth blog in the Christian purity for singles series! Yay! We’ve talked about breaking ungodly soul ties, purging our lives and spaces, clean thinking, and dressing for success in the Kingdom. This week I want to talk about the importance of us having pure interactions with others. We interact with others through our body language, our words, and our actions. We have a daily challenge to ensure that all aspects of our lives reflect Jesus Christ, His Spirit, His ways, and His will. Keep reading as we discuss how to honor God by having pure interactions with others.

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Christian Purity for Singles: Dressing for Success

Dressing for Success Christian Purity for Singles

We know about dressing for success in the workplace. Did you know that the same principle applies to our Christian lifestyle? Our manner of dressing indicates our roles and our inherent values. So, as ambassadors of Christ, we should be willing to sacrifice the totality of our beings to serve as His representatives in the earth. I am a Christian female, and so this article is written from my perspective. I’m not bashing anyone. I am simply sharing what the Spirit of God has laid on my heart. Keep reading as I explore how dressing for success in the Kingdom context is a part of our purity requirements as singles (and couples).

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Christian Purity for Singles: Clean Thinking

flying white dove representing clean thinking

Welcome back! This is my third article in the Christian purity for singles series. We have already talked about breaking ungodly soul ties and purging your life and space. This week, I want to focus on the importance of clean thinking as a Christian single. What do I mean by clean thinking? I mean that we should run our thoughts through the Holy Spirit x-ray to ensure that they are in keeping with the Word of God. Let’s explore the importance of clean thinking in our purity walk as Christian singles.

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Christian Purity for Singles: Purging Your Life and Space

Purging water rushing over rocks

Last week we started this series on purity for Christian singles. We have already discussed the importance of breaking ungodly soul ties as the initial requirement for godly purity. This week, I want to explore another requirement: purging your life and space. Let’s explore the importance of clearing your internal and external environment as a prerequisite for living pure as a Christian single.

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Christian Purity for Singles: Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties

Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties for Good!

The Lord impressed upon my heart to write about purity from my perspective as a single Christian lady. We live in a world of sexual permissiveness and YOLO, so it can be difficult to maintain biblical purity standards. Notice I said “difficult”, but it is not impossible. I intend to publish a series of blog articles on this topic. However, the first requirement that I would like us to explore is breaking ungodly soul ties. So, let’s begin!

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Delight in the Lord Jesus Christ

Delight in the Lord Jesus Christ the Lion and the Lamb

I have not written in a long time, because life was (and still is) difficult. I felt like I was drowning in the storms of financial shortcomings and other problems. I was unhappy with God, because I felt like I was fasting and praying, but things only got worse. My prayers became complaints, and my thanksgiving turned to whining about how Jesus was ignoring me. But then Jesus spoke to me last night in His still, small voice. Jesus Christ told me that I felt the way I did because I did not delight in the Lord, I did not delight in Him.

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Get Ready: The Oil is About to Flow!

I was in a prayer meeting earlier this week when I received this message. You may have been crying out to God on a certain matter for a long time. It seemed hopeless, but something inside has kept you in supplication all this time. That “something” is the power of God which enables you to pray without ceasing.1 The Lord heard you and He is about to move on your behalf. But you must get ready for this divine resolution of your case. You need to be in the secret place and in correct alignment with Christ. You must have sufficient capacity to receive the oil that is about to flow!

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God is Not Limited by the Biological Clock

I was going through a lot of pressure a week ago. I had a bit of a downturn with my business and I had another birthday on the horizon. These two things may seem totally opposed in their impact on my mind. But, that’s not the case. I will be 35 years old on May 12, 2019. While I am grateful to God about preserving me to this age, I still felt an impending doom. I ‘m not married and I have no children. These two things are a big deal, especially for Christian women. Reaching this age means that my biological clock is ticking loudly and telling me that time is not on my side on the baby frontier. So, I was facing some financial brouhaha, plus the reality that, at my age, I was not where I desired to be socially and economically.

I was in the pits – but my Daddy Jesus had His eyes on me all the time. Continue reading “God is Not Limited by the Biological Clock”

Divine Steps to Conquer Jericho

My recent Bible reading has been focused on the book of Joshua. We can learn so much about ourselves and about submission to the will of God. I know that we all want the victory over all our adverse circumstances. We usually want this victory right away too! However there is a process. For everything that we do in Christ, there is a process that is governed by divine principles. In order to conquer every Jericho circumstance that you face, you must pass through God’s process. Let’s look at these five divine steps to conquer! Continue reading “Divine Steps to Conquer Jericho”

Don’t Look Back, Look Forward!

I had a hearty discussion this week with some persons who were insisting that the old practices and faith walks in Christendom were far better than now. These persons indicated that now they don’t see or hear of persons walking by faith and how God came through for them. I was perplexed. While there were truly people and acts of great faith back then, these individuals seemed to ignore the provisions and the work that Jesus is doing right now. How often do we look back so longingly on what Jesus did, while ignoring what He’s doing right now? How is He moving in this season? What does He want us to do right now to advance the mandate of His Kingdom in the earth? How can we ever press towards higher heights in Christ if our entire being is oriented towards what’s behind us? Don’t look back, look forward!

Continue reading “Don’t Look Back, Look Forward!”

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