Navigating Upwork: How to Make Money Online


Upwork, freelancer, freelance, work from home, remote work

Do you want to learn more about Upwork and how to incorporate the platform into your freelance career? You’re in the right place! I have been a full-time freelance SEO writer and editor on Upwork since January 2018 (I was part-time in 2017). After seven years, I have a lot to share with you so that you can experience success on the platform.

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How to Buy a House in Jamaica When You Are Self-Employed


How to Buy a House in Jamaica, Jamaican Real Estate, How to Buy Property in Jamaica

It’s another year, and you’re tired of renting.  You need a mortgage, but you keep running into the roadblocks of not having any NHT contributions and payslips to give the bank. If you are self-employed, these hurdles seem huge! But what if I told you that you could get your mortgage preapproval? Here’s how to buy a house in Jamaica when you are self-employed:

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She Lives On Through Me: Celebrating My Mother’s Life

She Lives On Through Me

It’s been a long while since I sat to write a blog post – longer than I would have liked. However, my second book, She Lives On Through Me, took me through a lot. I’ll be honest: I ugly-cried so much during the writing and editing process. I also struggled with bouts of severe depression. But, glory to God, I finally finished this book in December 2021. It is finally here! Hallelujah!

Now, let’s talk about the story behind this book:

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Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps and the Jamaican Reality

Let's explore Dave Ramsey's 7 baby steps in the Jamaican context!

I grew up in a single-parent home with the sole breadwinner being my mother. My mother was a domestic helper and we lived hand-to-mouth. Mommy sacrificed a lot to push me to excel in my educational pursuits. So I owe a lot to her – may her soul rest in eternal peace.1 However, my childhood poverty makes me a keen student of everything to do with financial independence and wealth creation. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to consider Dave Ramsey’s 7 baby steps and see how well they translate within my Jamaican reality.  Let’s go!

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