Navigating Upwork: How to Make Money Online


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Do you want to learn more about Upwork and how to incorporate the platform into your freelance career? You’re in the right place! I have been a full-time freelance SEO writer and editor on Upwork since January 2018 (I was part-time in 2017). After seven years, I have a lot to share with you so that you can experience success on the platform.

Create the Right Foundation

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First, this post is NOT sponsored by Upwork! These are my opinions, and they have no bearing on Upwork and its operations.

Good! Let’s proceed:

The platform does a good job of guiding new freelancers to create profiles and start offering their services. I recommend you complete your profile 100% (some sections are optional, such as creating a video). When you write your introduction, focus on how you can help the client. It also helps if you are upbeat!

When you start, you won’t have any work experience in your job history. You will also need to create some samples to accompany your proposals. Ensure these samples reflect the scope of work you can do for clients.

When you write your cover letters, these are unlike the usual job letters. Start by stating how you can meet the specific client’s needs, and then follow with a broad overview of your qualifications (if they need details, they can read your Upwork profile).  Remember: focus on what you can do for the client!

Mindset Shift: You Are Not an Employee!

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This one was hard for me! We are socialized to go to school and get a job. As a freelancer, you are self-employed. That’s right: you employ yourself by offering services on a contractual basis. You are running a business and must build and maintain your client base.

Therefore, you must have a thick skin and be resilient when sending proposals that don’t lead to a contract. Access resources on the Upwork platform to improve your proposals, and keep sending them! Dig deep and maintain a positive outlook. Keep saying, “This proposal may lead to a contract!”

Keep It 100!

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Upwork has several rules for operating its platform. A major one that I need you to remember is to keep all your contracts on Upwork. If you connected with a client on the platform, keep it on the platform.

Some unscrupulous persons may try to lure you to work outside of Upwork. DON’T DO IT! Not only can this get you kicked off Upwork, but should you run into any problems with those clients, you have no one to help you. Think about it. What stops them from shorting your pay or not paying you at all?

My take? Keep it 100 and stay on the platform!

Managing Upwork Contracts

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Upwork has two main types of contracts: hourly and fixed-price. The knee-jerk reaction is to choose an hourly contract because it is familiar to us, coming from the 9-5 work world. However, there are perks to a fixed-price contract as well.

An hourly contract is more suitable if the work requires you to interact a lot with others (like customer service), varies in complexity (such as navigating multiple software apps), and has uncertain time frames for completion.

A fixed-price contract requires more work at the onset. You’ll need to figure out how long it will take you to complete the task. Pro tip? Never give the client a rate without fully understanding the extent of work they need to be done.  You don’t want to under-price your work!

Possible Challenges to Navigate

If you are working on an hourly contract and Upwork sends you a message that the client’s payment method has failed, stop working immediately! Do NOT let them convince you to keep working to reimburse you later! At best, the client needs to update their card. At worst, the client has run out of money.

Once they resolve the issue with Upwork, the platform will restore your ability to clock time on your hourly contract. Take a breather – either way, you’ll be fine if you follow the rules meant to protect you.

Finally, when working on a fixed-price contract, secure that escrow! I only begin working on a milestone after the client puts 100% of the milestone’s value in escrow. Also, don’t let the client tell you they funded the milestone. Check for yourself on Upwork to ensure the milestone is fully funded.

Do not accept partial funding of a milestone. It’s 100% or nothing! If the client hesitates, let them know that even with the funds in escrow, they will release the money when you submit the work.

Managing Upwork Clients

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Clients are a mixed bag: some are great, some are horrible, and some are OK. Therefore, you must keep all discussions about the contract details in Upwork messages. This will protect you if the client tries to backtrack on the agreed-upon terms. Get everything in writing on Upwork before you accept the contract.

While the contract is in progress, continue conversations on Upwork about milestones or changes in the contract’s direction. If anything goes sideways, you will have a clear record.

Unfortunately, some clients still see us as employees when we are contractors. Clients who hire you for a full 40-hour week will see you as their full-time employee. If it’s a great client, that’s wonderful! If it’s a bad client, they will treat you horribly.

I booked a 40-hour-per-week client and worked with the agency for five weeks. At the beginning of the sixth week, the client insisted I deliver double the edited word count! What! I told the agency head I couldn’t do it, respectfully explained my editing process, and was summarily fired! I now had a weekly 40-hour black hole of zero funds!

Why am I telling you this story? Be careful how much power you give to your clients. I know you want the comfort of a big client, but that is so risky. It’s far better to split your 40 hours across four or more clients to fill your week. That way, if one of them acts badly and unceremoniously ends the contract (or doesn’t need work done anymore), your cash flow will be relatively unaffected.

Mastering the Art of Goodbye to Keep It Moving

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I think of Upwork as a revolving door for clients. Clients will come, and clients will go. You may have some long-term clients, but for the most part, clients are transitory. Therefore, you must master the art of goodbye (especially when the contract doesn’t end on the best terms).

I recommend you always tell the truth about what transpired in the contract (don’t share proprietary info) and give an honest rating. That way, even if a client gives you a poor score, other prospective clients will see what transpired.

Considering how much work it takes to move from proposal to contract, it’s easy to start getting attached to a contract or client. But resist the urge! Upwork requires we actively send proposals, book clients, and earn on the platform to retain and improve our performance badges. So when a contract ends, don’t get stuck saying, “What now?” We must keep moving forward to our next opportunity!

Make Money on Upwork

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Making money on Upwork is the end goal of every freelancer. However, that can’t be the only consideration. There is a clear connection between the quality of work you produce, your ability to meet deadlines, and the amount of money you earn.

Therefore, ensure you are always clear about the client’s requirements before accepting a contract. Also, communicate what you can and cannot do for the client (especially regarding deadlines) and document everything in the Upwork messaging system.

You will be fine if you do your best for each client, communicate clearly and politely, and meet all deadlines.

Pay Your Taxes!

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Yes, taxes! Whether earning on Upwork part-time or full-time, please do not neglect your tax obligations. The platform provides itemized cash flows per client and for any period you select, so you can easily keep track of your finances to accurately file your annual return.

Furthermore, many of my fellow Jamaicans desire to become homeowners. Doing so means we must contribute to the National Housing Trust (NHT), which also means that we must pay our taxes. If you are a Jamaican freelancer (or self-employed in another area) and want to learn more about how to buy a house in Jamaica, click here to read this article.

Stay Current!

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Upwork constantly changes its operations and network, so you must keep up! Staying current also means updating your profile as you gain more expertise and exploring new ways to create and submit your proposals.

Every field experiences innovation, so you must stay current with the latest trends and technologies. Please resist the urge to do things like you’ve always done. As freelancers, we must embrace change and strategically align ourselves to maximize the marketplace.

Leverage Upwork in Your Freelance Career

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Upwork is a reliable platform for freelancers to offer valuable services. Although the pandemic has seen an uptick in freelancers and the number of proposals per job, don’t give up!  Being a freelancer is challenging but rewarding. Let’s keep offering high-quality services to clients across the world!

May Jesus’ blessings, peace, and wisdom be upon us all.



ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sophia C. Terrelonge is a top-rated SEO writer and editor on Upwork. She started working part-time on the platform in 2017 and transitioned to her current full-time role in 2018.


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