God is Not Limited by the Biological Clock

I was going through a lot of pressure a week ago. I had a bit of a downturn with my business and I had another birthday on the horizon. These two things may seem totally opposed in their impact on my mind. But, that’s not the case. I will be 35 years old on May 12, 2019. While I am grateful to God about preserving me to this age, I still felt an impending doom. I ‘m not married and I have no children. These two things are a big deal, especially for Christian women. Reaching this age means that my biological clock is ticking loudly and telling me that time is not on my side on the baby frontier. So, I was facing some financial brouhaha, plus the reality that, at my age, I was not where I desired to be socially and economically.

I was in the pits – but my Daddy Jesus had His eyes on me all the time.

Divine Intervention

So I was editing one of my YouTube videos and my Father led me to Joshua 14:6-15. I knew the story of Caleb: his faithfulness and positivity in the things of God and his exploits in his golden years. Because I knew the story, I was just in a hurry to go back to my video editing with the scripture reference.

But…He stopped me. I heard the Holy Spirit instruct me to read the passage. I obeyed and I read it quietly. The Lord had me focus on key points in the scripture. By the time I finished reading the passage, I was in tears. It wasn’t a biblical account like that of Sarah and Hannah. It was about a man who didn’t let his biological clock, stop him from still accomplishing all that God had set for him. He was unbothered by his age and people’s perception that it was too late. He knew how he felt inside and he believed the promises of God. As a result he was the recipient of divine blessings.

Lessons to Apply

I want to share some key points that I gleaned from this scripture:

1. There is no Age Limit to be Used by God

Caleb was 40 years old when Moses sent him, Joshua and ten other men to spy the Promised Land of Canaan. He was a grown man who was still willing to do a task that was suitable for younger men. We need to know that we are never too old to be used by God. We just need to be present and available to be used by Him. 1

2. Maintain a Positive Outlook Regardless of the Circumstances

Only Caleb and Joshua brought back a positive report. However the other ten men discouraged the Israelites from taking possession of the land. I know: it’s hard to be positive all the time. But when you decide to be positive when faced with a difficult situation, you increase your chances of successfully overcoming it. In every situation, victory begins in your mind and radiates outward into your reality.2

3. A Delay of the Manifestation Does Not Mean a Denial of the Promise

God was angry and the punishment was an extra 40 years for Israel to wander the wilderness. However He did give the promise that Joshua and Caleb would see and inherit the Promised Land. How long did it take for Caleb to actually lay claim to his own possession in Canaan? 45 years! You see, Caleb was steadfast and he continued through the wilderness for 40 years. He also supported Joshua for an extra 5 years to conquer the opponents in Canaan.

Do not falter; do not stop in your faithful service to Jesus Christ and to His Kingdom. Be steadfast and unmoveable, and always continue in the work of the Lord. A delay does not mean a denial. Jesus still knows your name, details and your location, and His word must accomplish that which He sent it to do. Be patient, be faithful, and wait in hopeful expectation for the manifestation.3

4. Divine Strength and Preservation are Yours for the Taking

Caleb knew his own internal state and the reason for his strength. He knew that God had preserved him throughout all of his 85 years. But, he wasn’t afraid to claim that he was as strong as he was 45 years ago. He knew that he was still a valiant man of war and he was ready for action!

We can’t allow our biological clocks and people’s opinions to shift our perception of ourselves and our abilities. Who we are, what we do and how we do it, are all determined by Jesus Christ. He alone is the source of our strength. Even while we wait for the manifestation of His promises, we know that we are preserved. So whenever we feel lacking, we can make full use of God’s strength and preservation that He has supplied for us.4

5. Never Give Up! Be Resolute in Seeing the Manifestation of God’s Promises to You

Caleb was in correct alignment for the manifestation of God’s promises to him. At the age of 85 years, he was ready for a battle against the formidable opponents, the giant race of the Anakims. He said “Give me this mountain!”5 He was not backing down from the fight, he was locked, loaded and ready for victory!

What are you saying in the face of your own opposition? Are you backing away in fear? Do you feel like you can’t win? Switch your internal dialogue to one of fearless, strong determination! Be resolute and stand knowing that all that Jesus has promised you is yours already. You know that Jesus has your back. So face your mountain, visualize your victory, and know that you have already won!

6. Walk by Faith and Know that You Have Your Request of God

Caleb got Joshua’s approval to fight for his mountain. God empowered Caleb, and he was victorious against the Anakims. He successfully took possession of this entire region. Caleb and his generations were now able to enjoy the land that he had fought for and won.

We must walk in unshakeable faith in all our circumstances. As long as we remain in connection with Christ, we will receive strength and wisdom to overcome all obstacles. We should never allow fear of any kind to overtake us. Instead we must make the decision to walk in power, the perfect love of Christ that casts out all fear, and with a sound mind. Jehovah Elohim is our Abba Father, so we know that we already receive all our requests that we make in Him.6

Just Know: Clocks Don’t Bother God!

I don’t know why I am at this moment in my life, but I know that my Daddy Jesus has a purpose for it. A lot of the things that we undergo are not for our own sakes, but they are for the testimonies that will inspire others in the future. Society gives us all these ideal age frames that certain events should occur in our lives. But we are not all cookie-cutter replicas of the “ideal”. We are unique, with different life paths all specially crafted by God.

We serve a God who is not limited by time. He created time. He is sovereign over time.7 None of these biological clocks and social time frames poses an obstacle for God. He can do and undo. He is the One that restores years and possessions.8 Since we are His children, we know that He only has good intentions and good gifts for us.9 I encourage us to not allow these biological and societal clocks to dictate our emotions, thought processes and actions. Let’s fix our attention on Jesus Christ, lay aside every weight and sin, and patiently run our own marathon to our uniquely blessed finish line. So run and run well. Your trophy and commendations from Jesus Christ await you!

Blessings, peace and wisdom upon you,

  1. Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 2:8-10; 2 Timothy 2:20-21.
  2. Proverbs 23:7a; Proverbs 4:23.
  3. Please meditate on: 1 Corinthians 15:58; Isaiah 55:8-13; Hebrews 10:36; Psalm 27:14; Galatians 6:9.
  4. Isaiah 40:28-31; Deuteronomy 33:25-27.
  5. Joshua 14:12.
  6. John 15:1-11; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18; Psalm 37:4-5; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Matthew 21:21-22.
  7. Revelation 1:8 and 22:13.
  8. Joel 2:21-27.
  9. Please be encouraged by: Romans 8:28, 31, 38-39; Matthew 7:7-11; James 1:17.

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