Feeling Insignificant? You Are Most Definitely Not!

We live in the age of social media. With a few swipes of our fingers, we are transported to a front-row seat of important events in other people’s lives. Social media amplifies the sneaky urge to be just as grand as our “friends”. We are constantly inundated with announcements of wonderful things such as marriages, child births, new jobs, promotions, exotic vacations, expensive cars, etc. from every quarter – except ours. If we are not careful, we can begin to feel the pangs of jealousy, self-pity, and then the angst of not being good enough, not doing enough, and not having achieved enough. We can begin to feel small. Then feeling insignificant sets in… and that’s a lonely, desolate outlook on life. But we must fight back against that outlook – because that’s not who we really are.

Who Are You?

Who are you? You are apple of God’s eye, 1 He rejoices over you with singing, 2 and He loves you with an everlasting love. 3 You are royalty, you are the righteousness of your Father, and you are a Christ ambassador. There is no one who is just like you, you are a blessed legacy in the making, and you are created for divine purpose! 4

Let’s consider some practical steps that you can take to walk in your own significance to the glory of Jesus Christ and for the good of His Kingdom:

Go on a Social Media Fast

We know about fasting from food or fasting from certain foods, but did you know that you can fast from social media? If you cut off all or some of your social media accounts, you will be able to reduce the world’s chatter. As you get to this place of quietness, you will also be able to hear more clearly from your heavenly Father. He’s waiting for you to come aside in His presence, to listen to His voice and to engage Him (your Daddy) in conversation.

Meditate on the Word of God

What do you do with the free time from that social media fast? You invest that time in studying the Word! We can get in the habit of reading the Bible like it’s a part of our good-Christian routine. However I encourage you to stop speed-reading the Word – it’s not a race! Psalms 119: 11 and 105 tell us that we must have the Word of God deeply embedded in our hearts so that we can live in righteousness and so that this same Word can illuminate and guide our Christ-walk. None of our Father’s character will be embedded in us unless we spend time with Him and in His Word. Get the Word in you! Keep the Word in you!

Reject Feeling Insignificant and Negative Self-Talk

We can be our own greatest critics and our thoughts influence who we become. I ask you to reject every thought that says that you are not good enough, that you have not done enough, that you are not enough – reject them all in the name of Jesus!

And those thoughts that try to sneak in to remind you of your past? Reject those too! Remind the devil that you are a new creature in Christ and that your past is swept away through your salvation in Jesus. Tell that voice that you are the righteousness of God. Tell that voice that you are justified and reconciled to your Father through the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary. Stand firm in the power of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and declare and walk in victory over negative thought patterns! You are significant and unique! You are blessed in heavenly places and divinely appointed for a glorious purpose in Christ!

If you have not yet made a formal commitment to surrender yourself fully to Jesus Christ, I encourage you to do so today. Please pray this simple prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I believe that You died on the cross of Calvary for my sins.

I believe that You are the only One who can save me and make me whole.

Please forgive me of all my sins, I repent of them.

I ask that You wash me and make me clean.

Help me Jesus to walk in newness of life with You.

I accept You as my Lord and Savior and I surrender all my life to You alone.

I thank You Jesus for loving me and accepting me into Your Presence. Amen.”

If you sincerely prayed this prayer, you have made a good start. Please be sure to join a church that believes in living in accordance with the Bible. You must be baptized in Jesus’ name and receive the gift of His Holy Spirit inside you as outlined in Acts 2. I encourage you to remain in Christ and grow in your faith in Him.

Pray the Word of God over Yourself

What do I mean by this? I mean that you actually find Bible verses that speak to your condition. You then insert your name/your situation and read it out aloud like it was meant only for you. For example, if you are feeling down about your life, you would read 1 Peter 2:9 aloud as:

“I [insert your name] am a chosen generation, I am a royal priesthood, an holy nation, I am a peculiar people; that I should show forth the praises of Jesus Christ who called me out of darkness into His marvellous light.”

Trust me, the minute you start praying the Word of God over your life, situations, and loved ones: expect supernatural breakthroughs! This is all about you actively applying the Word to yourself and asking God to honor His Word as you have prayed in accordance with His will. You will be so happy to study your Bible because guess what? The Word is now in action in your life!

Surround Yourself with Godly and Positive Influences

This requires that you do a full evaluation of all your relationships. No, you’re not being brutal or a user when you do this exercise. You are simply being a good steward of the life and mission that God has granted to you. Persons come into your life for a reason, a season and a lifetime. Prayerfully ask Jesus to show you how to categorize your relationships. Then ask Him to give you the grace to cut off from expired reasons and past seasons. Ask Jesus to provide you with godly and positive friends – He will!

In fact as you spend more time with Jesus, you will find that certain relationships will begin to falter and wither away – don’t try to hold on, let them go. A kite will not fly free and high if it’s weighed down by rocks. In fact, snip that cord holding you earthbound and fly in faith to Christ and to the next level that He’s calling you to occupy. Let go and surrender your all to Jesus. He’s got you! He has never dropped one of His children yet … and He never will.

Enjoy Your Life As It Is Right Now

This is not the easiest thing to do, but it is a necessary thing to do. As children of God, we walk by faith and not by sight. 5. We take actions as led by the Holy Spirit of God. How else can we show that we truly believe that God’s got us, and that all will be well with us and ours? By actually having joy, by actually enjoying life, by actually celebrating the gift of each day regardless of the challenges. So I encourage you to live, laugh and enjoy your life as it is, right now.

Discover and Walk in Your Divine Purpose

I used to compare myself and my progress to my peers. One day as I was getting sad about my achievements, the Holy Spirit interrupted me. He gently reminded me that my life’s path is not like any other person’s own. Jesus reminded me that He has me on a journey that’s just for me. I am unique, I live on a unique and blessed calendar, agenda, one-year plan, two-year plan, five-year plan, just for me, Sophia C. Terrelonge. Guess what? You’ve got your own unique life path as well! It will also lead you into your divine purpose- if you follow it.

What is your divine purpose? Not sure? I invite you to spend some time in silent conversation with Jesus Christ. If you get still enough and for long enough in His presence, I am sure that He will reveal your purpose to you. When He does, ask Him to tell you how to go about fulfilling your divine purpose, your divine mission here on earth. Once you’ve received your instructions, start walking in your purpose! Then, you’ll stop feeling insignificant. I encourage you to actively work to fulfil your unique and divine purpose to the glory of our Father and for the good of His Kingdom here on earth.

Blessings, peace and wisdom upon you,

  1. Zechariah 2:8.
  2. Zephaniah 3:17.
  3. Jeremiah 31:3 and Romans 8:31-39.
  4. I encourage you to read and just rest fully in these scriptures: 1 Peter 2:9-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Psalm 139:13-16; Proverbs 13:22; John 15:14-16; Jeremiah 29:11-13, 2 Timothy 2:19-21; Romans 8:28.
  5. 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:1; Hebrews 11:6.

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