Christian Purity for Singles: Purging Your Life and Space

Purging water rushing over rocks

Last week we started this series on purity for Christian singles. We have already discussed the importance of breaking ungodly soul ties as the initial requirement for godly purity. This week, I want to explore another requirement: purging your life and space. Let’s explore the importance of clearing your internal and external environment as a prerequisite for living pure as a Christian single.

Purging Your Life and Space

The Importance of Purging

Purging is a necessary requirement in the pursuit of purity as a Christian single. Recall the story of Achan? With God’s divine instructions, Joshua had just led the children of Israel in a successful military victory against Jericho.1 However, when the same army went against the smaller Ai, they were embarrassingly defeated! When they enquired of the Lord about the cause, they discovered that their camp was polluted by the accursed thing. What was the problem? Achan had disobeyed God and brought accursed spoils from Jericho into the Israelite camp. That transgression by one person brought calamity upon Israel as a nation. The end was that Achan, his entire family, and all his livestock were stoned to death and they were then burned with all their possessions.2

Now, this may seem harsh. But we serve a holy God, and we are called to His standard of righteousness.3 While we are talking about purity as a Christian single, this is not the ultimate, but a by-product of a much larger process. This process requires us to lay aside everyone and everything that could derail us from walking in holiness and complete obedience to Jesus Christ. The ultimate is a life completely sold out for the cause of Christ and eternal life in heaven with Him.

Clearing Your Life

Before you can be successful in purging your life and space, you have to start with your mind. You must purge your thought processes, and then you need to renew your mind:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Romans 12:1-2, NKJV.

It is not enough to simply break ungodly soul ties. As we discussed last week, you will need to break off all associations with such person(s). In this case, purging requires deleting all telephone, email, and social media connections. Sometimes you may need to change your telephone number(s) – especially for those persistent individuals. In some instances, persons have actually changed cities to have a fresh, clean start. Whatever you need to do to clear your life of all connections to former sexual (and non-sexual) partners, just do it! Your future and destiny will only benefit from your complete obedience to Christ.

Clearing Your Space

Clearing your space is equally important. You must get rid of photos, memorabilia, clothes, and gifts from your former partners. You must also dispose of anything that leads you into sin, such as music, movies, books, and other forms of entertainment.

In my own case, about two months after the Lord led me to break up with that boyfriend; I was also led to do a comprehensive purge. I had an open vision from the Lord, where I saw a horde of fairy-like creatures touching down on stuff all over my apartment. On closer inspection, I saw that these creatures were actually demons. The Spirit of God told me that I had to get rid of these accursed things that were serving as landing pads for these demons/unclean spirits. I was more than motivated to get rid of all these spiritual contraband!

I am a book lover, so I had so many books! You know what? As per the leading of the Holy Spirit, I tore almost all of those books to shreds. The Spirit of God kept leading me to different authors and book titles, and I kept tearing through all of those books that I once treasured. I had spent a lot of money to acquire those books, but I didn’t mind destroying them at all.

I also destroyed gifts, pictures, music, movies, clothes I had worn on memorable dates, sexy underwear (yes, all of that had to go!), and some souvenirs.4 In particular, I had visited an old temple site in Belize, and I had gone to an Egyptian display at a Toronto museum. The Spirit of God had me destroy every one of those souvenirs. I had innocently collected them, but there were unclean spirits attached to these items, and so they had to go! That particular purge started from about 3:00 AM – after an intense prayer session in my apartment. By dawn, I had almost two huge garbage bags full of torn books, and another one full of other items that the Holy Spirit led me to destroy.

Focus on Jesus Christ!

I value my relationship with Jesus Christ above anyone or anything else. In fact, I have been led to do further purges, and I have always just allowed the Lord to have His way. I find that when we work with the move of the Lord, life is less complicated and you avoid unnecessary trauma and turmoil. So, if you are led by the Spirit of God to do a purge, go ahead. Purging your life and space will create the needed natural and spiritual environment for you to truly connect with Jesus Christ.

Giving Yourself Time and Space to Reconnect to Christ and Heal

After purging your life and space, you would have created room for the Lord Jesus to come in and fellowship with you:

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. 

If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, 

I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Revelation 3:20, NKJV.

The purging process is not only about getting rid of the old traps that led us into sin. It’s also a matter of the restoration of your relationship with Christ. As your relationship with Jesu Christ deepens, you’ll be able to hear His voice, His instructions, and gain His wisdom. Simply surrender to the process. It is all for your good and His glory.

Purging Your Life and Space to Make Way for God’s Best!

Now, I’m not saying that purging your life and space will immediately lead to you getting married! There are many more blessings for you to enjoy other than those of marriage and a family of your own. Marriage and family will occur for each of us in God’s own timing and via His ways. However, as you spend more time in His presence, you will experience peace and a deeper understanding of your life and your purpose. Our salvation and relationship with Jesus Christ is the foundation for everything else in our lives. So, purge away and make room for the Lord to move in you and through you.

May Jesus’ blessings, peace, and wisdom be upon us all.


  1. Please see Joshua 6.
  2. Kindly read this account in Joshua 7.
  3. Please read and meditate on: 1 Peter 1:13-16; Hebrews 12:28-29; Hebrews 13:8.
  4. I also deleted electronic photos, music, and movies.

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